LIA and the Lutheran School of Theology; The Humble Beginnings of the LST; 4:34; In Africa, most things happen "po-le, po-le" (Swahili for "slowly, slowly"). In Christ Jesus, the Triune God orders all things "slowly, slowly" according to His perfect will and appointed time. Such is the story of the Lutheran School of Theology, the Bible school established by Lutherans in Africa.; The Triune God Provides Land, Water, and Rocks; 3:46; This video provides a tour of the Lutheran School of Theology's campus and gives ample proof and example of how the Triune God provides all gifts needed ... land, water, and rocks ... and more rocks ... and even more rocks.; Before We Built It, They Came; 4:12; There is a severe shortage of trained pastors in Africa. The average pastor serves 12 parishes but only visits one each Sunday. Here's a brief video conversation with Rev. James May, the executive director of Lutherans in Africa, and Dr. Gregory Schulz, a visiting professor, explaining how and why the Lutheran School of Theology was created.; Teaching the Devil to Death; 10:13; In Africa, the lack of resources available for education, coupled with traditional beliefs and practices, leads to misunderstandings of the Living Word. By God's grace the goal of the school and all of its ministry is to "teach the devil to death" and ... to form African Lutherans to be teachers of the faith.; Holy Week on Both Sides of the Equator; 6:09; No matter what hemisphere, the crucified and risen Jesus is Lord of all. Here's a brief video about our recent Holy Week trip across the equator and the mission of Lutherans in Africa beyond the physical campus of the Lutheran School of Theology.; The LST and Co-Operative Plan; 6:03; The location, construction, and co-operative work/study philosophy of the Lutheran School of Theology is strategic. The school is centrally located to reduce travel expenses. It is sustainable and self-sufficient in design. Its co-operative work/study program equips students as “tentmakers” so that they can provide for their families if a congregational salary is insufficient.”; The Church Built On the Rock; 2:06; Part of the site plan for the Lutheran School of Theology is to construct a dedicated church building for the Masai community. Here’s a brief video with Dr. Gregory Schulz and Rev. James May of Lutherans in Africa as they talk about the Church that is built on Jesus Christ, the Rock.; An Architect, the Gospel, and God’s Plans for a Lutheran Bible School in Africa; 4:11; Here’s a brief video with Dr. Gregory Schulz and Rev. James May of Lutherans in Africa as they talk about how, over the years, the Lord has … miraculously ordered and orchestrated times and seasons, people and relationships, churches over multiple continents, faithful pastors, gifted laity, and much needed and timely resources in order to build the Lutheran School of Theology.; Absolution, and the Baptismal Life at the Lutheran School of Theology; 3:37; Through the work of the Triune God, confession, absolution, and the living out of the baptismal life are at the heart and center of the Lutheran School of Theology. In this video, you’ll see how the formation of African Lutherans to be teachers of the faith begins, ends, and forever continues with a life of repentance.; A Library with 30,000 Books and a Reservoir with 900,000 Liters of Water; 3:48; Besides the saving Gospel of Jesus, Africa’s greatest needs are …the life giving waters that come from the seasonal rains. And second to the rain, is access to education, a well trained faculty, books, and academic resources. In this video, you’ll see how the academic library of the Lutheran School of Theology is designed to hold 30,000 books and how the reservoir that sits beneath the courtyard holds 900,000 liters of water.; Daily Bread at the Lutheran School of Theology (and a New Kitchen and Cafeteria); 4:27; In some ways, life at the Lutheran School of Theology (LST) in previous years was like perpetual camping. From 2017 to the fall of 2023, meals for the students and staff at the LST were prepared in a make shift shelter over an open fire. Now, thanks to the generous supporters of Lutherans In Africa, the Lutheran School of Theology has an indoor cafeteria, a fully equipped kitchen with a spacious food preparation area, high-efficiency word-fired brick ovens, an on-site butchery, and store rooms for grains and vegetables from the garden.; Lutherans In Africa Presentation; 57:10; Here's a presentation by Rev. James May, the executive director of Lutherans In Africa.